Botanical Surveys

Vegetation Surveys in Wales

Our Services

Botanical surveys can help both farmers and landowners measure the impacts of long-term regenerative management and use flora to indicate the quality of the habitat and landscape. The flora present in a habitat paint a picture of the land’s health, the soil type and previous management history. By conducting botanical surveys we are able to not only see its present condition, but understand how we might implement management to improve the land according to the owner’s ambitions.


The National Vegetation Classification provides a comprehensive overview of habitats and their flora, or plant communities. Practically, it can be used by landowners as a basis for developing and implementing management plans to provide a snapshot of a habitat, or long-term can reveal how plant communities and habitats have altered in their quality and quantity over time.

Phase 1 Habitat Surveys

A useful site assessment for a quick understanding of a site and its botany. A less complex survey than an NVC, that can be used on both large and small sites to identify important aspects, including rare plants, ancient woodland and other features of note.

Baseline and Follow Up Flora Surveys

For long-term regenerative projects, surveys can be conducted before and during management, to provide landowners and farmers with tangible information of how their work is impacting the flora on their land. These can be annual, or repeated more or less frequently and coupled with management plans and reports to outline implementations for future management.

Rare Species Surveys

Identify and record rare botanical species to assess management on their long-term survival.

Grassland Management

In addition to botanical surveying our team offer grassland management advice, focusing on working with your soil, habitat and aims for your land to restore your land for both wildlife, production and amenity.

Grassland and Meadow Restoration and Creation

Our team have expertise in restoring grasslands on all soil types, creating and restoring wildflower rich hay meadows and permanent pastures. We can advise on and write management plans, and implement meadow restoration.

To find out more about botanical and vegetation surveys in Wales and the wider UK, please get in touch via the link below.